Friday, November 20, 2015

The Word "Overrated" is Overrated

I couldn't think of a good image to use for "overrated," so here are
two bunnies.

Overrated. Is there any word that's more abused and thrown around on the internet? Probably not. It's more often than not misused and is a result of neckbeard and/or hipster internet rage. Frankly, there's no word I've grown to hate more thanks to the internet than "overrated." Yes, I hate it more than "BAE" and "YOLO."

Growing facial hair on your neck is sooooo overrated.
It was a lame trend started by the Amish.
Let's just be real here: Usually when people throw around the word "overrated" what they really mean is "I don't like that thing that a lot of other people do." It's all part of the internet's collective arrogance and stupidity. I never understood why people on the internet overuse and abuse words like this.

Let's face it, if something is popular, or hyped, or well loved by society then someone, somewhere on the internet is calling it overrated. The Fallout series?  Overrated. Seinfeld (either the show or Jerry himself)? Overrated. Even not so popular things, like when Spike TV listed Kevin Smith as one of the top 10 most overrated directors. Now, I mean no disrespect to Kevin Smith, because I honestly enjoy his work, but he's a cult film director with a small, but strong following. I think even he would agree that he isn't exactly a mainstream media darling.

And the worst part is that if you read anything anyone writes in regards to something being "overrated" it usually follows the same crappy formula. Someone takes something well loved and popular, then they nitpick any flaws (real or perceived) and blow them out of proportion as if those flaws somehow represent everything about it (you know, they can't see the forest for the trees), and they also typically use vague insults that are completely subjective (like calling something "boring").

I guess you could say that I'm saying the word "overrated" is overrated. Is that irony? Maybe. Actually, I wouldn't call the word "overrated," because in reality an opinion on something is purely subjective. The word "overrated" is truly a worthless word because of it, but it still thrown around left and right by a bunch of assholes who have nothing better to do than to try feeling superior by going against the grain. If you're one of those people, the only thing I have to say is that nothing is "overrated," and certainly not because you don't like it. People are allowed to like things that you don't, you hipster douchebag. Get over it.

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